
Op deze pagina staat informatie over concerten van Professor Peter and Tubaman en ook over the Percolators.
On this page you will find information about concert of Professor Peter and Tubaman and also about the Percolators.
Geplande concerten / Planned concerts:

Gebruik bij voorkeur email om contact te leggen met Professor Peter. (NB om nare spam en andere fratsen te omzeilen heb ik het @ teken vervangen door [at] )
Voor contact met Professor Peter and Tubaman: PPTM[at]profp.nl
Voor contact met the Perforators: perforators[at]profp.nl
We prefer email as a way to communicate with Professor Peter concerning bookings and all other questions you might have. (We replaced the @ symbol with [at] in order to avoid nasty spammers)
For contacting Professor Peter and Tubaman: PPTM[at]profp.nl
For writing the Perforators: perforators[at]profp.nl